Quote Originally Posted by daniellyall View Post
rustyh couple questions

what version of M3 are you using, are the steps per correct, what speed and accl are you running, are the high and low voltage wires sperated, is the usb cord no where near the high voltage wires, is the common ground/earth connected properly

Hi Dan,

I cant really answer some of these questions as I am not fully au fait with the electronic system of a cnc. I would welcome some guidance if you wish to PM me.

I am using the latest M3, downloaded from the artsoft website, and licensed. I use the config file Defeng sent me......so you will need to advise on what the steps per should be, as I have not altered these over what was sent.

I was recommended however to keep lowering the speed and accl in the motor settings to see if the machine stabilised.....and while the lower I got did improve the difference between the original zero'ing and where it ended up after a couple of runs, I was getting down to agonising slow speed and it still wasn't perfect.

The USB cable enters the machine electronics cabinet not to far from the power inlet really......so I don't see how I can separate them more! and the distance from the transformer in the bottom of the cab to the control board in the top of the cab isn't exactly meters,

When you refer to the common ground and earth being connected properly. Do you mean of the machine? If so I aint got a clue. If you mean of the electrical supply, all I can say is that the wiring has been done by an electrician, and I simply plugged the skyfire machine in to the plug socket!