I spent some time digging in archive.org and found this Series 5000 Servo Control Descriptions Some pinouts and a bit of technical info that may be of use in getting an old ProLight 2000 running with something other than the old DOS software.

Google animatics legacy series 5000 and you'll turn up some PDFs buried in Untitled Document for old products from the 1990's but without MOOG Animatics giving up the file names, if there are files in there with useful info on the CD5306M (3 axis) and CD5406M (4 axis) nobody will be able to find them.

Somewhere in someone's old file cabinet and software backups there must be copies of the technical info and software for these things. Around the turn of the century, Animatics dropped their servo controller line to make only smartmotors, and all info on the 5000 series was either deleted from their site or hidden.

Did any CNC machines other than those from Light Machines use these controllers? If so, perhaps another company has kept the information. A PLM2000 is a very nice mill, pretty much nothing new is made in its class - won't find a new benchtop CNC mill with that has a 100 pound working load limit, not without it being larger, heavier and severely pushing the upper boundaries of "benchtop".

Other info I've dug up.


Intelitek Downloads

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byh...w?pref=2&pli=1 <-Intelitek CNC Resource Center. Some tech info and repair/replacement plus assembly instructions for ProLight mills and lathe.


ftp://ftp.robotec.co.il/Techsup/cnc for laptops/

For spectralight ftp://ftp.robotec.co.il/Techsup/cnc software/

ftp://ftp.robotec.co.il/Techsup/To Moshe/intelitek_online_resources/ <-content deleted.

http://www.graco.unb.br/alvares/DOUT...roduction.html <-Purdue University CAD LAB program created a 3D CAD/CAM program to output G-Code specifically for the PLM2000 DOS control program - then the software went buh-bye when the CAD LAB was shut down in the early 2000's. It *was* all available as free downloads from their FTP server but as yet nobody has owned up to still having any copies.