Quote Originally Posted by Clearyjames01 View Post
Hi Lee,
I have seen your video on you tube and they have been pretty helpful to a complete rookie of 2 weeks. I got a ATC3015 with syntec controller. I have marched on and after a few hurdles got it cutting. But have a few problems well three at the moment. Yesterday it was cutting fine. But the hood for the tool was catching i took the covers off and back on. Went to run a new program and got the two errors bellow.

Motion 17 Z axis first positive software limit exceeded

When i run a program this warning comes up but the machine will not have moved. When press run cycyle and before it moves any axis the warning comes up.
If i move the z axis (in jog) the error goes away but if i try run the program its back and the z would have gone no where. but i can home all the axis fine so it goes to the Z limit and no problem. But i run a program and it halts everything

Coordinate 40 the1NcporgramL7: Block end point exceed software limit

This i have no idea what is going on.

One minute its working then i load a new file and nothing.
I try other files ( that were working fine) and nothing
I have turned off and on, home the axis and all is good, run file then the two errors come on.

I Have deleted the new file and almost all files from the computer, turned off/on and tried a file that did work fine yesterday, still the two errors pop up.

I was only about to start some real work on it after 2/3 weeks of just getting it to cut and now i'm standing looking at the machine about to lose my mind.

On another point i have only been b=manually changing the tools as the when i tell it in V carve to use T2 or T3 when i export it to machine it always says T1. But that's a whole other thing. if i could just get it cutting with T1 for now i'd be more than happy.

any help gratefully appreciated,

where abouts in NZ are you?

Ok basically there are software limits set within the syntec parameters of your machine

The error basically states that what your program is telling the machine to do is outside of the limits the machine has set.

In this case the program is telling the machine to raise the tool about the highest point of the Z axis

It could be that you have your safety moving position set wrong in the program you are designing with, and before it starts it is telling you to move the spindle too high, a point to far above the material

In basic terms it is based on the coordinates, Machine coordinates are measured from the home position of the machine, ie: the machine zero for Z axis is the highest point the spindle can sit, your material maybe be set to -145 in the machine position, effectively this means that the spindle would know the material is located 145mm below the home position of the machine.

Obviously before you start any job you set the material offset positions, X , Y, and Z

These offsets become your absolute zero positions of where the job is to start from, your program will move so much down and so much to the right and so much up and down the table. all of this information comes from the program ( G-Code ) that you producedusing your design program and output using your post processor.

all this being said the likely causes of your problems are

A. Offsets set incorrectly, not latched into the G-54 positions, latched to the external shift instead

B. Table height parameters or tool height settings set incorrectly.

C. Safe Z or Rapid move height set too high in the program

D. Post processor incorrectly formatted causing it to set the wrong positions or not correctly allow for the heights of the tools

In order to help you any further with this would need to see one of your output G-Codes or perhaps check some of your settings

I currently work for Speedy Signs Dunedin at present, in Dunedin, New Zealand

Lee ( SyntecLee )