I have started at a new shop as the supervisor and they have a HM 8000 with fanuc 31i-model a. The guys here have told me that the tool setter doesn't because of soft ware missing. Well, sorry but I call BS. And after contacting the salesman they have told me that there has been training done on the usage, but I am sure that the operators that are here now were not part of it as there is no long term person here anymore. Anyway to make a long story short I am looking for the instructions on usage and calibration of the tool setter. The sales man sent me a pdf for a stylus type setter (and this after I gave him the serial # (chair)) and it seems that it is becoming difficult to get anything more from them. He is wanting to send out a tech at $120/hr. Don't need that just need the instructions. So I am turning to you guys here, this place has help me a lot in the past and I know I will get some good feedback.

Thank you in advance for any help