Quote Originally Posted by MichaelHenry View Post
Sorry to resurrect a somewhat old thread, but Phil asked if anyone had collected noise data and I just did that with the Sound Meter app (by ABC Apps - https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...ebasic.decibel) both with and without the fan. The results were:

With Without
Spindle, Fan, Fan,
rpm dB dB

2500 58 57
3000 62 60
3500 66 62
4000 70 59
4500 74 63
5000 75 64

This is on S/N 119 built in 2008 or so and is a Series I that has been electrically upgraded to a Series III running PathPilot. The fan was filthy and coated with oil and sawdust from a bout of wood milling a year ago or so. Before the test, I cleaned the fan and deburred the edges of the blades, many of which had sharp molding flash. I wish that I had measured the sound levels before cleaning and deburring the fan because it sounded quieter after that bit of maintenance. The readings are uncalibrated so probably only of comparative value withing this data set.

The motor was quite quiet without the belt and fan, which probably makes sense. I'm inclined to install a 220 VAC fan just because it is inexpensive and pretty easy to do but am not sure if I want to go to the trouble of balancing the pulleys or drawbar nut until I see how the fan affects things. As it is now, I'm reluctant to mill at higher than 3500 or 4000 rpm spindle speed because the noise doesn't sound good, but that was with a dirty fan.
Interesting Mike, I see that the fan/motor noise difference varies with rpm. My fan impeller needed balancing, really made a big difference at high rpm. It was so out of balance the swing arm would vibrate over to one side and I couldnt talk over it it was so loud when the machine was new, I hear a slight whine from the Fenner belt now, And I can talk over it with relative ease.......

The electric fans we installed on inverter motors did make a fair amount of noise, but they were on 15 hp motors, and it was in an industrial enviornment so a bit of noise was OK. This was in the earlier days of inverter drives, maybe that has changed somewhat now.

Did I mention that I dont hear too well these days, age and noise related? ha!

I downloaded an app for a db meter on the phone, it shows about 75 db at max rpm, but I dont know how accurate this is?? I think on the Radio Shack meter its a bit less......