I know Arturo is a busy guy and I'm having some issues setting up my spindle.

So far I can the the analog voltage working properly but not getting the drive to turn on. When I'm checking every connection , I noticed that my on board relays aren't sending any voltage to the vfd though I confirmed by hearing them click and getting the relay to switch from no to NC with pwm control.

My bet is that I need to hook up input voltage to the v-in terminal on the relay to supply the voltage. I haven't attempted that yet because I also don't like seeing boards smoke! Each relay has no v-in and NC. Against the relays are switching as they are supposed to, but no juice is coming out of the relay at all.

Suggestions for anyone using c62 or c32 boards? Do I need to supply external 12-24v to the v-in of the relay?

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