Shooting the breeze question (I'm on holiday for a week, no pc, no CNC)

Having never done a plugin before for mach3 or uccnc... how difficult would it be?

I've got a bit of code experience, not day job, bit VB, c, c++, arduino etc.

I found a nice robust pendant which is mach3 compatible, and the creator has kindly provided the sourcecode.

Given I've got a Xbox wired controller, and both contour xpress and contour pro shuttles, I'm kind of looking for a bit of future proofing now and robustness should mach4 come back into flavour as I've got a licence for that, plus my present interest, uccnc, with a uc400eth + licence, I'm covering my bases...

The vistacnc pendants are nice, but pricey for me, and hb04 seems cheapish plastic

With a plasma I like everything hard wired, which means usb or other device.

So... has anyone attempted a uccnc plugin?

How hard / difficult would a mpg plugin be?

The pendant I was looking at was one of these (in an aluminium case)

Anyone done a muppets guide .... ?
