Does anyone know of a site made for those of us who don't a working knowledge of electrical design and function? The reason I ask is that while I have the stepper wiring portion figured out. It is the Control Box wiring that has me stumped. Like everyone else at some point we all have had to wire up their first contol box and were extremely nervous when handling hundreds of dollars worth of electronics. I haven't as of yet found any places that the instructions are in Plain English. It seems that everyone you talk to is an expert. Yet none of them can describe an operation without a lot of mumbo jumbo.

In my case:

Within the confines of my case are a 36V Power Supply, a Gecko G40, an input plug for the supplied wall voltage and on the opposite side are a Master Kill Switch and a Lighted On/Off Switch. The only other article within the case is a Buck Shunt to take the output from my power supply and convert it down to 12V for whenever I decide to add a Homing Switch.

Any input that anyone has would be greatly appreciated.