I would LOVE to get into this but the problem is I have a small budget and I am still in school, senior year of high school. I have allways been intrested in metal work but never really had the resorces close to home. My grandad has a lot of stuff, lathes, all types of welders, presses, etc... and I grew up using the stuff when I was visiting twice a month. (owned a iron working business) His shop is 2hrs away but I still have plenty of access to it. I am currrently deeply involved with the paintball scene and want my projects mainly to be milling the bodies of my paintball markers and eventually other peoples markers. What kind of price range are we talking about for some one like me to get going in this? I'm hopping that somewhere around 1k could do it. Any build-it-your-self things out there for mills? I would like to eventually make a business out of metal working but I need something to start out on. I can always upgrade machines when I see the market for this. Thanks for your help.