Hi, I have been doing some reading on this forum to try and find the differences between these two tools and when one should be used over the other. I bought a lot of used TTS tooling that included both of these and could use some guidance.

This is all on a PCNC1100.

I am machining 6061 aluminum, the first op is to face stock that is about 1.25" wide and 6" long so the cuts will be interrupted. I have noticed that when I push the superfly to 3500 rpm, 1.25" WOC, .030" DOC on 6061 to rough out the face of the stock it is pretty hard on the insert (you can see wear on the edges) and the surface finish suffers when I do a finish pass. I have not tried roughing and finishing tests with the facemill yet.

Would it be better to do a roughing pass with the facemill and a finish pass with the superfly or vise-versa?

When is the ideal situation to use each when you have both available?
