One of the first modifications that I want to make to my bf20 is to install a one shot oiler on it so that I can keep it properly lubricated and prevent it from wearing out prematurely.

I've done some research and have become aware of the following one shot oiler parts suppliers which appear to cater for hobby machinists like me:

Both sell one shot oiler parts and kits. However, while it appears that Arceuro only sell a kit for a lathe, one shot oiler shop has got a range of one shot oiler kits for various benchtop mills like the g0704 and wm16 which are similar to the bf20. The front page of the oiler shop website shows what appears to be some sort of g0704 clone with one of their kits installed on it. It looks to be a really neat and professional installation.

Also, it looks like the oiler shop kits come with a detailed guide that explains how to install them etc.

As I don't know anything about designing and installing one shot oilers, and don't particularly want to design one from scratch, I'm considering asking oiler shop if they could design a kit for my mill (their website states that they have a free kit design service). I'd imagine that it wouldn't be too difficult for them considering that they currently offer kits for other mills that are similar to mine.

Before I contact them and put them to the trouble of designing a kit, I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with oiler shop kits that they would care to share?

