Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum as well as the art CNC lathes. I have, thru my father-in-law, (2) D&M 5 lathes (He's a shop teacher at a high school that is getting rid of old equipment. They didn't know what to do with them, he offered them to me, so I eagerly took them). Anyway, thru this forum, I'm learning the options of what to do with them. I want to upgrade both to a good quality, usable CNC lathes, sell one and keep the other. Both are missing the controller card have no real usable software. I have idea's of what to do (for example, DeskCNC software w/contoller card, Gecko drives etc...), but looking for opinions. I want to be able to turn threads (it isn't a lathe unless you can turn threads). Thanks for any help you can give.