I invite you all to join muy headache. I have been chasing a problem with my mill for quite some time now. I am looking for anyone's thoughts. My machine will power up, grid, and run for around Ten minutes. At that time the audible high pitch whine associated with the powered up machine goes quiet.if axis is running (any one) I will get an excess error. If the machine is idle, no error until axis tries to move.manually or automatically. The machine will cut even out if the machine is sitting idle. When it cuts out, I can manually jog the spindles and the screen shows movement, but the servos are not moving, until the excess error comes up and e stops the machine. If left alone, the machine will come back online by itself, but lasts shorter time until it won't come back until complete shutdown. I am 99% sure it is heat related, but what? When machine kicks out, I still have +-15v, 5v, 32v, and 72v where necessary. Transformer and capacitor for drives check out. Where do I look next?