Hi all, I was recently motivated by a friend of mine(Vaughan) to build a CNC, I am an IT tech, but have always been in to my woodworking so thought it would be a nice project.

I am so glad that I found a couple of us SA peeps here. Well thought Ii would share my experiences, up's and down so that the next person can learn from my mistakes and may be help me along the way.

So where do I start ??

1. Design:
Well this was the hard part to make an commitment to the design, I read a lot of forums and spoke to everyone that would listen.
CNC Cookbook help me a lot 4 Awesome DIY CNC Machines You Can Build Today and Rick's CNC on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF8LzA0GR4I&t0
I finally settled on a moving gantry as I was more in to woodworking then machining. I also tried to skip part of the learning curve by going bigger so that I would not need to purchase upgrade later in live, not sure this was the best idea , but I am committed now
Part of design questions was size of motors, drive system, and the size of the CNC table. I will supple a list of sources of all the items I eventually bought, with photos of my build to date.

If you see anything I can improve on please let me know, if you have questions fire away, I am not sure I have any answers for you , but will try.
Here is my first design, table dimensions are 1600mm x 2200mm. I will post updates and changes I made along the way, but just wanted you to see what I was aiming for.