Hi All

I currently need to find a way to convert a 8 bit bitmap file into G-code which is designed so that the tool path will basically be a raster (might be known as unidirectional zig tool path, I'm not quite sure as im an absolute newbie, and apologise if this was not the correct place for this thread!)

So far I have found this online software (https://lautr3k.github.io/lw.rasterizer/) which will convert a bitmap into rastered g-code however it is bi-directional. I need my G-code to make sure my tool path is only machining in one direction, not the other!

I tried using 'HeeksCAD' which can create pockets with a unidirectional zig however have struggled with the software with regards to importing my own BMP.

Also have looked for G-code manipulator/editor programs but have had no luck.

Is there any obvious/popular software which I have completely overlooked? Or maybe an easier way to do it which I have not realised?

Any advice/help is much appreciated!!
