Hello! I've got a few ideas that I'm having trouble figuring out how to implement. I'm an absolute novice in this area, so please forgive my ignorance.

What I want to do is build a table saw with a system that allows one to input a measurement, and the system will then use stepper motors to move the cut guide to the desired measurement and lock it in place. If possible I also want to be able to adjust the height and angle of the blade by repurposing other axes. Using the right gear ratios on these motors should give them the necessary torque to do this while retaining a high degree of accurracy. I'd like this to have an accuracy of .1mm, but can work with up to .5mm.

Basically my intention is to repurpose the guts of a home made CNC (using a Raspberry Pi/Arduino) to make a "smart" table saw. I believe it should simply be a matter of the right programming for this purpose. I have a 3D model of the table saw itself done at this point and can make basically any tweaks necessary to the design.

My questions are this:

Is this acheivable, in theory?
Does anyone know if someone else out there has done anything similar to this (I have yet to find anyone)?