Ok I’ll try to make this short.
Back on august 8th I ordered and paid for a new machine, a 24x36 tabletop.
I was quoted 3-5 weeks & I finally got it on 10/20.
I also upgraded to servos.
I guess my main concern is that when I got my machine it had steppers on it.
I called the manufacture on it and they told me that the servos wouldn’t work with the type of screw that the machine comes with but never told me until I called them on it, they said I need ball screws.
I really wanted the servos and I asked them if I could do the upgrades needed and they basically told me that it would take a professional to do the conversion, the ball screws, the mounts and motors and the wiring for the new drives.
Now they have agreed to refund the difference between the servos and steppers but I specifically ordered the servos and they shipped me a machine that I paid for and waited for and they shipped me something different and told me that I wasn’t capable of doing the upgrades myself so I’m pretty much hosed for getting the machine I ordered.
I’m really pretty mad and the manufacturer doesn’t seem to care much.
They had plenty of time (8/8-10/14) to tell me that the servos wouldn’t work with the cheaper screws, I probably would have upgraded the screws had they have told me of the problem but they didn’t even give me that option,
I don’t know if they thought I wouldn’t notice or care, but to ship me something that I didn’t order and not tell me ahead of time just isn’t acceptable.
What should I do???

There’s also a lot more to the story like when I emailed the owner of the company asking where my machine was and he treated me like crap, he basically told me that I don’t know how to read and that I wasn’t quoted 3-5 weeks like my quote and the listings on ebay(at the time of purchase) said. I won’t go into the rest but that’s just one more thing that has aggravated me.

Now, I haven’t mentioned the manufacturer name because I still hope that we can come to some kind of agreement on this but I was just hoping for some feedback on how to proceed with this as the manufacturer just wants to refund a little money and I just want the machine I ordered.
Well,, thanks in advance for your response.
Crash Master Kev