Hello all,

We recently bought our 2nd mill (yay!!) and we went from a Tormach to a DMG. (Yeah, big jump... tell me about it!) But now that be behemoth has been wired up, I really don't even know where to go next. Unlike the Tormach which has very good documentation (we were able to pretty much figure everything out just by reading PDF files and lurking the forum), I can't seem to find anything on the DMG. I did find the manual for the Heidenhain controller (Mill Plus, V500 software) but that really doesn't give me a whole lot to go with besides "learning G-Code" (e.g. nothing about setting the machine up). Is there any online documentation I can study, or do I need to pay for a class with DMG? (Do they even offer class for a 17 year old mill?)

For example, as dumb as it sounds, I don't even know what is the proper procedure to load tools into the tool magazine... the "release tool" button on the control isn't doing anything, so I can't manually load a tool into the spindle. I've read on some other thread you are supposed to open the magazine door, load a tool, go to the control and "confirm" what tool has been loaded to which position, however I haven't found which screen controls tool loading yet. Or, even something as basic as does it need to be trammed/squared after we level it? I am sure with time I can figure it out, but I don't want to make some newbie mistake and break something... if any experts here can at least point me to the right direction, I will gladly read up any documentations I can find. (aka I am not looking for hand-holding, just some pointers where to start.)

