I recently picked up a Frankenstein's monster, 4x6' cnc router table build with a box full of mismatched parts. Along with a couple Chinese breakout boards I plan to ignore, it came with two large Wantai nema 34's (85bygh450C-012B) for the X and Y axis, nothing for Z yet. To drive them I have two
Wantai DQ860MA and one DMA860H.
My experience is with Mach3 but based on my reading, dedicated motion control is the way to go, and the Kflop seems to stand out as a clear winner.

Want to make sure it will function well with the step drivers and stepper motors, any potential issues anyone can foresee etc.
Not sure if I'll ditch Mach3 entirely, but if I do, any reason to stick with Windows XP, or have my computer options opened up? Recommendations?
Also if anyone happens to know anything about the step drivers and the difference between them?

Additional details, the table is made of almost inch thick aluminum with extra bracing and five steel legs, lots of 80/20 on the gantry, ball screws on either side of the table joined by right angle bevel gear driveshaft, one ballscrew on the gantry as well as the z axis, ball rails all around, it has the feeling that someone really wanted this to be overbuilt. Plan is to do everything from plastic to aluminum.

First post so let me know if this is the wrong place to ask, thanks!