I'm debating whether to go down the CNC path with my RF-45, but I don't want to invest into something that gives inaccurate results. I am aware it wont be a metal hog, but can it be similar in accuracy to a skyfire which boasts <0.02mm accuracy? Within a reasonable budget.

I have done some reading but don't know exactly what to buy. This is probably what I'm looking at:
- C7 ballscrews, though I have seen some rolled C5 at a not too extravagant price on Alibaba.
- Hiwin or similar rails (for z minimum)
- Upgraded spindle bearings + new motor
- Closed loop steppers seem like good bang for buck - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/8-5NM-Ne...oAAOSwqd1Zv4pM

Can such a configuration achieve the accuracy I'm looking for, or is the RF-45, as others say, just a poor base to start with?

Could anyone recommend good bang for buck components and give me an idea of what accuracy they can achieve? Or good threads in this direction. (I am in Aus so access to some products is limited)
