Quote Originally Posted by mactec54 View Post
the main risks are when it is not canceled before an absolute move
Yup, been there done that! E-Stop has been my best friend!!

Quote Originally Posted by DruMor View Post
I cut o-ring grooves in some parts just yesterday. I use a macro routine to ramp in to depth. For what you are doing, how I would program it would be something like this:

#1=0.(Starting depth)
#2=.17(Z cut per lap)
#3=-1.38(Final depth)
if[#1le#3]then #1=#3

Are these macros HAAS specific? I would love to have access to these conditional functions in our DMG... (while loop, if/then statements, etc.) We already have a lot of programs in our old machine written where the variables (#1, #2...) are specified on the first few lines, and it automatically calculates how to cut the part. For example I have a program to cut soft-jaws, where we simply specify width, length, and depth at the beginning of the program and it cuts whatever size soft jaw I needed. But there are some limitations currently the way I wrote them, for example depth must be divisible by 0.05 (otherwise depth of the two holes will be slightly off). When we move them I may rewrite them to be more efficient!
