After upgrading to PathPilot 2.0, I was no longer able to access my gcode folder over the network. The smb.conf settings Tormach uses are not compatible with Samba4 (it looks as though this new version came with the latest Linux Mint Tormach uses with PP). To fix, open a terminal from within PathPilot by pressing ctrl+alt+x and edit the smb.conf.share file in your home directory:

cd ~
nano smb.conf.share
The "security = share" setting is the incompatible one. Change the file contents as follows:

        security = user
        map to guest = Bad Password

# share config
        comment = Tormach controller gcode folder
        path = /home/operator/gcode
        writeable = yes
        browseable = yes
        guest ok = yes
        force user = operator
        username = operator
Save the file and reboot. Your network share should re-appear.