This wasn't a problem in the past but it seems to have started in newer version of mastercam post files.

My G-code (not that is matters but this is coming from helix bore to thread mill):

N6330 X-3.4141 Y-.1917 I0. J.0547
N6340 G1 X-3.4528 Y-.153
N6350 G40 Y-.0984
N6360 G0 Z.25
N6370 M5 M9
N6380 G90 H0 Z0.
N6390 M1
N6400 ( 0.372 THREAD MILL TOOL - 3 DIA. OFF. - 3 LEN. - 3 DIA - .372 )
N6410 T3 M6
N6420 G0 G90 S3000 M3 E4 X-3.4528 Y-.0984
N6430 H3 Z.25 M8

I think the problem is line N6380, I'm guessing that there should be an E0 in there as well. If I'm right in that assumption can someone help point me to the right place in my post file to edit that sucker in?