Well, I picked up my Hypertherm 65 after waiting 5 weeks for it to arrived and forking out AU$6000 for it and consumable kits, get it home, open it up and find a 3/4" thick bound printed 'Safety and Compliance Manual' with the same thing written in 25 languages....... and the operators manual as a PDF on a CD! Seriously, I spend OVER $6000 AND DON"T EVEN GET A PRINTED MANUAL!!!???? I stick in the CD and open the PDF Manual and there on the 'Check Contents Page' it lists a PRINTED OPERATORS MANUAL. So, I think, this must be a mistake, so I ring the place I bought it from, GENTRONICS, 12/14 Adams Dr, Welshpool WA 6106, Western Australia and ask the question. They check 3 other hypertherm's they have in stock and say none of them have printed operators manual either. Must be a mistake they say, they'll order one and post it to me they say. Picked up the post today and there's a parcel from them with a 10 page printed PDF (with formatting errors) for a 'CUT 65' Chinese plasma cutter. On reflection I Deleted what I originally wrote here, so use you imagination as to what I would have said! As it is a long weekend holiday for AUSTRALIA Day, I will have to wait till Monday(Maybe Tuesday) before I can vent to Gentronics, but was hoping Jim Colt could clarify if Printed Manuals are supplied with NON US units?