HI Ray,
I spent a lot of time making videos and posting them to YouTube with the aim of trying to simplify connecting up Acorn. I even went out and created one on Sunday evening just for one guy and it helped him and it started to help others. I am by NO means an expert. I don't work for Centroid, I am one of their beta testers. I believe in it and really enjoy working with it.

It truly is a good product and I have enjoyed working with the Team at Centroid. Its only been out 5 months, they listened to the users and now in its 3rd hardware revision to support assignable pin outputs on the DB25 along with a couple of other customer driven improvements. Remarkable to me how fast they have responded. They are not a large company.

I truly wish you well in your projects, if you decide to give Centroid Acorn another go, I will personall try and help if you get stuck, and that is a promise. I'm sorry if I some how missed your troubles with Acorn. I wished I could have helped you or helped you more. The number of folks using Acorn in such a short period of time has jumped far beyond anyone's expectations so its been hard to keep up.

It is a great time to be involved with DIY CNC SO many great options to choose from and SO many people willing to share their experiences and try to help others. We are a great Community.

Respectfully & Sincerely,