I work for a company that has a Cammaster Cobra ATC, CR510, and we use Vcarve Pro and the software that came with the machine, it's been running fine and I got past the learning curve on this enough to do my own setups and drawings.
Recently though I've run into an issue I cant figure out, neither can our "guru" I have some photos but it's late, so for now briefly the issue is I set up a profile tool path outside cut on 3/4" MDF, and then an identical profile path, same tool etc to cut out two roughly 8" square holes in the middle of the 2 foot by 4 foot piece, I set the depth cut to "z" on both. It cuts the outside perimeter perfectly, right to the very top of the spoil board, however, on that inside cut the cutter is leaving almost 1/8" of material at the bottom.

I've tried zeroing the machine with the tool we use for doing that in T5, and measuring the 3/8" rough compression cutter I used in T2, no difference, the only think I can think of is maybe a bug/corruption in the software and it needs to be reinstalled. We've had the machine about 2 years but it doesnt get a lot of use and can sit for a few weeks at a time not used, so wear etc is not likely an issue here.

If I open up the TAP file showing all of the cut information, it shows the Z cut in both paths is where I had it set to; 00000000, so that information is correctly being saved to the TAP file, yet the inside cut is like z -1/8"

If someone has some ideas on this that would be helpful, I'll post some photos to-morrow of the piece, for now here's our machine;