As the subject says, I have a large (5' x 8') Chinese manufactured CNC router with the following components:
  • XHC MKIV Mach3 USB motion controller
  • Yako 2D811 v1.1 step motor drivers and motors on rack & pinion X and Y, ball screw Z
  • GDZ120x103-4.5 Spindle
  • Fuling DZB312B005.5L2A single phase input VFD

I tried to use the 2010 Mach3 screenset. This is when I found out why my auto tool height function was occasionally crashing the spindle into the bed and so on.. it’s important to note I was unable to get the goofy controller to work with the screenset and Gerry gave excellent support trying to help me get there. The XHC motion controller is unreliable. This led me down the path of investigating possible solutions. I have read about UCCNC and I like the thought of getting away from Mach3. I spoke with Arturo at CNC4PC about a UC300ETH and his C76 board. I also read about the CNCRoom UB1 with the same controller. Honestly, to me they look comparable enough I'm not sure why I'd favor one over the other. Then, I found the Masso and lastly the Centroid Acorn.

Fundamentally, I'd like to get the router working reliably, with a streamlined too change process. I'm considering the following options:
  • UC300ETH with C76 or UB1 and UCCNC software.
  • Centroid Acorn
  • Masso's second generation controller.

I'd love input, advice, experience, etc from others. I do automation and controls for a living at my day job and I'm not intimidated by this project. I just want a reliable system that I don't have to constantly fiddle with to work.