I'm new to the forum, so hopefully I got this to the right place to get an answer.

My metal shop has an AXYZ Millenium router that is in excellent condition, but nobody there knows how to use, and I've been spending some time trying to figure it out. The computer connected to it has some version of "ToolPath" installed on it; however, I am unsure of what version it is past the information that it requires Windows 95/98 or higher.

I've been writing CAM for the machine using HSMWorks and importing it into ToolPath as GCode .nc files with a postprocessor that the metal shop was able to provide, which works, but with some inconsistencies. For example, if I program an "Adaptive Clearing" operation with helical interpolation, the router will perform a straight plunge in place of the spiral path if it cuts multiple depths, but it will do the spiral perfectly fine if there are is only a single depth. In addition, if I am doing very small circular pockets, the software will sometimes read them correctly, but also sometimes read only the first quarter or half of the arc, rather than full circles. There are other minor inconsistencies that occur, but the software largely reads the GCode correctly.

I guess, my question is, are the issues related to the post processor I am using? If so, how can I get a post processor that will work correctly? If not, what is the issue? Is the version of ToolPath I'm using simply not able to handle complex GCode?

Also, is there any way that I can get a newer version of the ToolPath software that runs the machine, or some other way to control the machine besides ToolPath, in order to fix these problems? I know the company website sells a newer version, but I'm not sure if this version will be compatible with the Millenium router.


P.S: Here's the post processor (as a text file) I've been using, in case it helps.