Hello Everyone,I currently work with a Citizen Sliding Head lathe have so far been machining various metals. However would now like to go in the World of PlasticsAware that special and New collets and Guides are needed as you will never get one size of Plastic rod exactly the same as the next. Unless you want the expensive option of grinding it, that's the knowledge found out so far.Some Plastics will absorb water such a nylon, Some will expand and then cool into tolerance.However there seems to be very little Machining Knowledge out there in terms of feeds and speeds? To use coolant or Not to use coolant?Tried Acetal so far which comes of in streams of Ribbon, Wraps itself around everything and the components pop out in a furry mess that take too long to unravel so unproductive. There no way you could go on a production Run.Generally manufacturing Components less than 20mm.Any one there have any experience with working with any Plastics and any info as to how they achieve a good product at the end of it. The worst part is the ribbons of swarf wrapping around the component.Or is this Super protective knowledge that no one will share.Will try and keep this an active post and keep everyone updated on various Plastics out there on machining if people don't mind sharing knowledge.