When i come to set up the levels for a milling operation the "start level" is pre-set and greyed out.
When i check the g-code it initially goes to a position set by this start level. I could change the number in the g-code but i would have to change every instance; and i might miss one.
I don't have a lot of z travel on the machine and need it to be less, somewhere around the clearance level.
I have looked through the .gpp file and can't find what generates in there nor can i find a way of changing it in Solidcam.
I'm using LinuxCNC.
I attach a copy of the model and the third operation, 3DR_model ...T2(3) is of interest. The start level is greyed at 88mm and i would like it to be 73mm. (Doesn't seem like i can send the model as an attachment. )
I also attach the .gpp file and the code g-code generated.
Essentially i want to change the start height to one of my choice.
Help appreciated.
I'll try and find a way of sending the model.