I am having a long battle with a

Fanuc Robodrill T-14iAL. , 2000

Issue 1:
When i try to start the spindle from stop to anywhere over 2500rpm via MDI, or if by a g-code command in a program i get an EMG STOP ALARM
433 x-axis:CNV Low voltage DC Link
433 y-axis. (Same)
433 z-axis (same)
7151 Spn 1 : (same)

On the powersupply LED. 04
On servo drive LED. 51.

I can however start the spindle up at up to 2500rpm and tap the override hard key to go ip o 200% with no issues at all?

I also cannot select the spindle on hardkey on manual controls.. the light on the button comes on but does not turn the spindle on. But unsure if im doing it incorresctly..

I’ve checked my power coming in and it seems well with in tolarance 208v

Issue 2:
At start of a program.

251. ATC ALARM ( diagnostic # 0100 ATC ALARM (an invalid T-code) )

I should add that it does do the tool change, just complains right after it that i seem to be asking wrong..

The code starts like this:

T01 M06
S1000 M03

Ive tried




But still get the issue... i was thinking it might be my cobbles together post processor.. which seems to have othe issues further down as well.

Like when it calls M08 for coolant it says improper g-code..

Any assistance will be appreciated..
