I saw the spec where it says upto 500 lbs table load for the 1100, but I am wondering who has the highest continuous load on their table. I've been playing with various ideas for fixture plates, and I have some MIC6. Enough to make two full work envelope specialty tooling plates. I've been struggling with how I want to cut them down and prep them when it occurred to me I have two 8 inch lock down mill vises on a shelf I haven't used since I tore down my old RF45 for salvage and future projects. With just minimal planning I could mount them on the table of the 1100 to easily take advantage 100% (+) of the machine's work envelope. With outboard jaw mounting they have a grip range of about 16 inches, and of course 8 inches with jaws normally mounted. Once I mount them I won't want to take them off. They weigh about 100 lbs each. (96 comes to mind) Now I can lift a lot more than that, but reaching into an enclosure with arms extended to place them on the table about maxes me out. I won't want to do that very often. Hence why they will likely stay there if placed. That means a permanent extra 200 lbs on the table. Sure, the spec says 500 lb work piece, but I don't think it means 500 lbs all the time for years.

So who has the heaviest permanent load on their table?

How many years have you run it that way?

P.S. 8 inch vises do not compare to 6 inch vises. I haven't weighed the 6 inch lock down vises I have on the table of my Hurco KMB1, but they feel like a feather compared to those 8s. Yes I considered using the 8s on the Hurco, but I'd have to cut holes in my home made table top enclosure just to spin the screws. LOL.