Hey all,
I recently purchased a used Yaskawa drive and motor, new encoder cable and new motor power connector. After getting everything reset and hooked up, I am having some difficulties getting it to jog. When i try to jog, the motor will either hum and not move, or will oscillate violently between maybe 90° to 120°. It's pretty sporadic. The drive does not produce any alarms, unfortunately, so I'm a little unsure where to start the diagnosis. This is my 9th Yaskawa/motor drive setup, so I have a little experience with these. I have never had an issue at this stage in the game, but this is by far the largest motor I've dealt with to date (all others have been .2KW-1.5KW ). Any help would be much appreciated.

All the parts I bought were listed as operational. The motor is the odd ball in the group, but nothing is jumping out saying it shouldn't work in this setup.

Some info on the setup:

Drive: SGDH-50AE: Nothing special to note on the drive. Not shipped with a fragile sticker, but was well packaged.

Motor: SGMGH-40A2B61: The motor is a strange breed. It is listed as 4KW, but the standards for this motor are 3KW or 4.4KW. The rated RPM is 1000RPM instead of 1500. The motor shaft is 1.673" dia instead of 1.378", and it has the next size up power connector. Other than that, it looks very good cosmetically and the shaft spins smooth when not powered. This wasn't shipped in the best manor for something of this size, just a few extra pieces of cardboard on each side in a box and no fragile sticker (motor weighs maybe 50 lbs.)

Motor Connector: Cannon MS3108E32-17S. I couldn't find a cable assembly unfortunately, so I had to make my own with limited soldering capability for this size of connector. I've inspected the solder joints after these issues, and everything appears to be solidly connected still. I also tried disconnecting a motor power line between drive and motor, but this does produce an error code on the drive, so i'm assuming power supply isn't the issue.

Encoder cable: Import - no part number listed, but specified for SGMGH-30ACA6C servo motor and fits my motor and drive correctly. Not sure why the connector has around 20 pins that only go to a 6 pin cable, but i'm assuming this came wired correctly. Haven't looked into this as of yet. Also, when I first got the drive, i tried hooking up a SGMAH-04 motor to it, and got an "incompatible encoder" error, and since this one gives no error, i assume it's working ok?

A couple of random questions while I'm at it:
1. Why does Yaskawa have a 19ish pin connector on the motor going to a 6 pin connector on the drive.
2. Way off topic maybe, but my line voltage is 241, 237, 235, and each line to ground voltage is 117, 212, 120. Is that normal (with or without a rotary phase converter?). I've also got another 3 phase input drive going and it doesn't have any issues running, so don't think this is an issue, just curious.

Appreciate any help and insight anyone could provide!
