So I just completed the belt conversion kit. The parts I purchased block the cable hole to interally route the cable, so I added a connector to the backside of the electronics box next to the fuses. Now the motor doesn't turn at all. I'm an ME so I'm not all that great with troubleshooting electrical issues, but here is what I have so far.

The on/off button stays engaged when pushed "on" and pops when power is removed.
The 2 leads going to the motor have 0V across them.
If I connect each lead to the input (wall) power, I get 110V.
The RPM screen hasn't turned on in quite some time, but the transformer (24V?) appears to also be working.

Any idea what could be causing this? I have pulled all of the electronics out and I don't see any signs of burnt components.

The cherry on top - the gears were pristine. It sounded like the gears were rattling more than when I first got the machine, but turns out I didn't even need to do the belt drive mod yet