hi everyone

I'm starting little wood workshop and bought myself old Bisse Rover 20 with NC500.
Before shipment seller made me test with machine. Showed everything worked. Now machine is in my workshop and I can't get electrospindel (main spindele) to work. It takes the tool out of magazine, but then I get the error „ECN_26 – Bit thickness < working depth (cen) (tp) – The program being carried out on the centre (cen) wants to use TP (tp) in a process having depth greater than the thickness of the bit fitted. Check the program and retry.“
I have tried change different parameters for router tools and tried old programs (form previeus owner/s) but result allvays the same. When machine should start the electro spindle to rotate I get the error ECN-26. (Drilling head works fine)
Local Biesse service checked my software and they sayd it looks ok. I don´t know how deep the looked. I tried to write direct to Biesse, but no response.

I there onyone who can give me some advice. Any opinion are highly appreciated.

Is it possible that from machine transport moved something and it couses that error?

Is there something else what can couse this error?

Best regards,