I need advice: I am a weekend warrior. Built a CNC machine about 10 years ago and started using BobCad. I currently have BobCad V27 with Bobart. To be fair I get to use the machine about one or two weekends a month. I do 2D cutouts, inlays, and occasionally 3D carvings. Almost every project is a one-off but occasionally, especially the 2D work I do create multiples. Would like to do more 3D carvings and considering the addition of a 4th. axis. I have found BobCad to be adequate but not the easiest to use and definitely not intuitive to a hobbyist. I call myself a hobbyist but have been fortunate enough to sell enough stuff to pay for the hobby and upgrade my tools. It's great to have a self sustaining hobby.

Currently I am considering upgrading my CNC to either an Axiom Pro-Series, or a Legacy Maverick but that's a different discussion. At the same time I am considering changing my CAD/CAM software. Both Axiom and Legacy really push the Vectric Aspire Software. It seems they have a lot of 3D models available and really good training. I downloaded their demo and find it not as flexible as BobCad, but a lot of features are disabled in the demo. I went to IWF a couple of weeks ago and saw a demo of MasterCam. Very impressive but I have heard that they require a monthly license fee. I prefer a one time payment and to own the software on my machine and not pay any recurring fees.

I feel like I may be comparing apples and oranges with these 3 packages but not completely sure. This is where I need the advice of experts.
1) I have BobCad and have somewhat trained myself.
2) Mastercam seems very intuitive but a little pricey
3) Vectric Aspire seems very simple to use but limited capabilities compared to BobCad

What are the Pros and Cons in your opinion of these 3 packages? Or are there others I should be considering. All opinions and thoughts welcomed. Thanks in advance for the advice.