I'd heard a couple people complain about the size of the coolant tank on 1100. I just didn't get it. Its bigger than the coolant tanks (a little) on my other 4 machines with flood coolant. I can run them all day and sometimes a second day depending on details. If I top them off every day my only real issue is clogging from fines. If I clean and scoop fines from the tanks once a week that's not an issue either.

Well up until yesterday I was using the 1100 for rough work where blowing chips clear wasn't an issue. A little light cutting oil applied with a brush did just fine. I finally set up a 3D couple hour job with some modestly deep pockets and decided a blast of flood coolant was necessary. After dumping 4 gallons of coolant mix into the tank I turned on the pump so I could see how my nozzle setup would work. Nothing came out. Ok, that's one way to reduce chip clogging from fines. LOL. Suspend the pump in the middle of the tank. It finally started picking up coolant partway through the fifth gallon. Sure its about a 7.4 gallon tank (measured and converted CI to gallons), but only about 3 gallons is above the pick up level. That's if its filled right to the cover.