I am finally getting around to building my CNC router to mill out guitar necks, and various other parts for my guitar builds.

- 1500mm X 650mm
- 80/20 extruded aluminum rails and frame
- 80/160 extruded aluminum gantry
- CW 8060 motor drivers
- 4 - 34HS9801 65V 4A stepper motors
- 5:1 timing pulleys
- 20mm guide rails
- Rack and pinion drive

I want to use 3 proximity sensors NPN for homing, then an additional 4 for the remaining limits. I also want to utilize a touch probe for locating the X and Y of my fixtures, and a touch-off plate for setting Z height.

I am thinking of using the EES Smooth Stepper motion controller. Any advise on the BOB would be appreciated. I really don't understand at this point what pins and ports, inputs and outputs can accommodate what I am trying to accomplish.

Thanks for any help, pointers, critiques...etc.