Hey all, ive got a 6040T upgraded with a Gecko G540 and 48V power supply on a old old laptop using serial cable.

Ive got my Velocity set to 3000mm/min and Acceleration 500mm/min and have not had a problem will rapiding around the table manually.

If I set the velocity to say 4000mm/min it will run at that and seems all good at first but every now and then while rapiding around the steppers will stall.

I even tried running a 2D contouring program with the cutting travel speed as 3000mm / min (previously fastest ive cut at is 2000mm / min) and it stalled at one point loosing steps and ruining the cut

So my first question is what is the fastest others are getting out of their 6040?

Im trying to find if it is the machine (steppers) that is limiting me Or Im thinking maybe my laptop is too slow to keep up?

The highest kernel speed I can choose with the laptop is 35khz any higher and it just freezes up.

Or do I need ethernet smooth stepper?