We just bought a 1990 CHNC I with GE Fanuc OT-B control. It was originally wired to run on 460V so I rewired it for 208V, since that is what we have. Also connected to the same input were three wires labeled R1, S1, T1 so I moved them together to 208V. I didn't touch any of the wires connected to the secondary output - 230/200UVW.

I can home and jog both XZ axis as well as rotate the spindle by hand when spindle free is engaged. But when I do a M3, S200 MDI command and hit Cycle Start, I can hear the relay click then get Spindle Drive Fault and the LED's on the drive are showing AL-2. The drive is a Fanuc A06B-6059-H206#H511
When I jog the spindle, the spindle brake does disengage and the there is movement on the Load meter, but there is absolutely no reaction from the servo motor. Also the only other alarm I get is about the lubricating system not working as the reservoir is broken, but I don't think that would the prevent the spindle from working. I also tried wiring it back for 460V and used a 450V 3phase transformer, but same thing.

This is all new to me as the only controls I have ever had exposed to is Mach3 and Pathpilot so feel free to provide any baby steps to try. Forgot to mention that I also checked all the fuses on the board that has the LED.

Thanks in advance for any help.