Greetings from New Zealand.

Just got my X8-2200USB a couple of weeks ago. A few minor problems but it's vastly better than my old cnc (20mm 'curtain rods', 12mm threaded rod, laser cut 16mm mdf, and not improved by earthquake damage). I used Mach3 and CamBam on the old machine, and Fusion 360 on the 3D printer and laser cutter, so it's not too much of a learning experience. I've tested that it can cut aluminium, by zeroing Z at the wrong height and doing a rapid into the bed on my first part :-(, but I'm mostly cutting mdf and Douglas Fir at present.

Problems encountered:
1. 1x Missing gantry bolt.
2. Wrong plug on controller cable (but correct one on water pump).
3. Three times I've had it completely lose X position when it has a large X movement just while the spindle is spinning up. Sure to be interference. Doesn't happen if I ensure X=0 before starting. Need to earth the frame...
4. Spindle slipped down in the mounting while cutting. This is a good argument for a spoilboard that's thicker than 3mm mdf. Just skimmed the bed. Fixed by adding one strip of selotape to side of spindle.
5. Bed is out of level by about 0.3mm across 600mm of X, and about the same across 400mm of Y. 3D printed a clamp for dial indicator on spindle body, shimmed workpiece with a couple of hacksaw blades (0.4mm). Good enough until I shim the gantry.
6. Ran a part, left Mach3 idling for about 4 hours, reran same part and movement was very jerky. All the moves exactly correct, just a gap between each one. Restarted Mach3 and it was fine. Memory leak perhaps? (running on XP machine).

I like this machine!

Omnivore (Charles)
Christchurch, New Zealand