I wouldn't call it a problem necessarily, but something I want to find out more about. At low power, like 10%, the laser pulses. It most evident in paper and glass, but you can see the little dots, just like perforations. I'm pretty sure when I had it hooked up to the pot, it was consistent at all power levels. I can definetly see it flickering.

I think it has something to do with the PWM and frequency. I believe it's between 20 and 50 Hz. I have it set at 50 in Mach, which seems to have less pulsing than 20. Is there something I'm missing. Is this just what C02 lasers do at lower power? Is this the whole continuous versed pulsed thing? I believe mine was continuous wave. I guess I could up the power, and then up the feed rate proportionantly, but would like to get some opinions first.