Hi Tom,
I just updated to Kmotion 4.3.4 from 4.3.4H. I was messing around with the screen editor and noticed that the DRO numbers seem to be smaller on my display TV (50”) then they used to be and also I can’t change what the buttons say at all in any of the pre defined push buttons.

A few questions:
Is there a way for me to be able to change the font size in the DRO so that it fills my whole DRO box?
Is there a way to change the wording in the buttons? Like the zero button, its all lower case, can I add capitals myself?
With the screen editor, I cant find a way to make my own screen from scratch, I can only hide or unhide items from the screen templates you already have in place, is it possible to make my own and add buttons as I wish?
I like the DualPane3AxisSplit screen where I can switch between Gcode viewer and preview screen, is there a way to make that 5 axis compatible or add that button to my existing screen?
Is there a way to have a status light switch states based on what a I/O is doing? Similar to the red/green status change of a button, but instead of it be user click driven I want the light to just display what state of the I/O. Is this a possibility? Like I would like to add tool change, limit switch and estop indication lights if possible.

None of these are issues for me, just nice to have improvements. I’ve attached my screen for your review.
