The subject pretty much sums it up. Any idea's? Everything starts as it should but the servos never start-up. Normally they make a high pitch sound when they are ready to go.

Here's something strange. The system seemed to require air for the servos to start. I don't know why. There is a small black box that the air routes through and it feeds into the CPU case. I assumed this was a shut-off but it turns out that it is the timer that feeds the lube system. It has no feedback to the machine for whether or not the air is plugged in. So I'm not really sure how it would know if I had the air plugged in or not.

I tried just pushing all the cards down and checking everything but no luck. It seems to just not be powering the servo controls...the interface works fine as longs as you don't try to move anything and the spindle works.

I'm open to any idea's here. Thanks.