Quote Originally Posted by minitech cnc View Post
Ok I set it up with these parameters. There was an error on start and it looked like it needed more time to spool up so I moved 14 and 15 from 15 to 25 and that worked.

It goes to 6000 and holds there.

What to change to give it control with the potentiometer on the panel?

Also I noticed there is a setting to let the VFD allow it to coast to a stop and with me using a brake it would be better to go from coasting to brake and not have the brake interrupt a controlled stop. Am I thinking of that right?

Nice feeling when something starts to work.

I think there is a problem with the VFD Drive as it should be working around 8 to 10 for that machine

Because you Don't have and can not fit a Breaking Resistor to your VFD Drive you have to let it do it own controlled stop or you will burn up the IGBT's coasting to a stop won't help, you still can't use the brake until it has almost stopped

To use the Pot just change this Jumper JI to 1-2 Position

You will need to change some of those settings as they don't suit that motor what is the motor Rated Voltage