Guys I’m about to order a new Pro router table. I think a 4X8 would be a nuisance to work around in my garage, so I wanted to order a Pro4X5 .
4’ X axis with a 5’ Y axis .
I want the extra foot for tenons etc ,and think it will fit well in my garage . I was going to just order a 5X5 ,but am concerned about the gantry flexing ,as I wanted to keep it as stiff as possible.
At this point I’m only wanting to make 3D carvings and signs , but I may also want to try cutting out aluminium parts as well.

I am getting a quote right now , as I’m assuming it’s possible to get this size . I’m hoping the gear rack and linear bearing rails are all one piece and there’s no splicing involved with a 5’ Y axis ?

Does my idea deal sound like a valid one , or am I over concerned and should just order a 5x5?