Hello group ! i am building a Laser cutter and i salvaged 4 servos and drivers from another machine .

Faulhaber Brushless DC-Servomotor Series 3564 B
Faulhaber Motion Controller Series MCBL 3006 C , is CANbus , needs a CAN interface

I am trying to use Faulhaber Motion Manager 6 and i technically would need a CANbus interface to connect the driver to my PC and be able to edit the settings who are written in the driver. I would need to go set it up to "Stepper Mode" to be able to use them with my control motherboard from a 3D printer. These control boards are using Dir and Step signals to drive the steppers and the Servo Faulhaber wouldnt use these signals if not set to "stepper mode" . I have read in the instructions of Motion Manager and it says CAN Supported Interfaces: HMS-IXXAT, Peak, ESD, EMS

Started to look for these CAN interfaces brands and they are a pretty hefty price and all i want to do is setup the "stepper mode" on them , would cost me from 200$usd to 1000$usd and i do not run a company and would need to control 3000 nodes and machines and make money all the time.... i am a hobbyist...

Anyone would have tried Faulhaber and have an idea ? Would super cheap CAN-USB interfaces could work or the Arduino CANShield could be connected to the computer and act as a serial port?

Or , is there any cheap Servo drivers who could be used by 3D printer motherboards ? or maybe a device that can be installed between the motherboard and the CANbus Servo drivers to transform the DIR STEP signal to a CANbus signal? I would prefer using a 3D printer motherboard because most of the softwares ive seen are getting connected like 3D printers and i wouldnt like to use only Mach3 . Also able to setup lots of scripts/options in the firmware of the motherboards to setup the CO2 Laser machine more safely.

I know it sounds quite alot more complicated than just getting steppers for my machine but i salvaged an electronic boards testing cnc machine for pennies with good quality components and i would prefer using his guts !
