Hi new to the forum and looking to solve a problem at work. I work in a machine shop on an automated line making yokes. If I can solve the problem we're having in a cost effective manner then I'll be entitled to a $1000 bonus. So we use Samung SL25 machines to make the yokes. Any time we change tools out we run a part, pull it out and check the diameter, We use a MAHR Federal 3 point v gauge to check the diameter. If the diameter is within spec which is +- .011 we resume production. If, however, the diameter is not within spec we scrap the part, offset the machine and resume operations. The problem is the diameter is 90% of the time out of spec and we have to scrap around 100 parts a week. Once the part is removed from the machine it can't be put back in and re-worked. So I was looking for a gauge that could measure diameter of the part while still in the machine. The thinking is after we change tools we intentionally offset the diameter to the small side, run the part, measure the part while still in the machine, offset the machine to bring the diameter back to spec and then run a macro that would just re-cut the diameter. What kind of instrument could do this for me?