Hi all - the VFD in question is a DZB312B003.7L2DK - it's on a 1325 CNC router my workplace has just bought, and it had that godawful RichAuto A11 controller attached to it. I'm fitting a 990MDb controller to it - I've got motion sorted (and even a pendant handwheel, which is nice), and I'll have the endstops and lubrication systems hooked in tomorrow. However, I'd like a fuller control over the vFD than the RichAuto system had - it was set up to have a set of fixed speeds using the switched presets. Ideally, I want the controller I'm using (which is far more advanced) to talk to the 10v input if I can, so I can set actual speeds - if I can double up and set the 'gear' ratios and the 10v feed, that'd be great.

Does anyone have any info on these VFDs, to ease the setup process a bit?
