Hi all,

I recently acquired a Kira VTC30E from a university which had lost all its parameters. The mill is in surprisingly good shape, and after a new CPU battery, 3D-printed "D" cell holder (absolute encoders) and manually entering all parameters (which were fortunately in the electrical cabinet!), the machine powers up, moves and seems to mostly be in working order.

A few questions:
The 99xx series of parameters are actually included in 2 documents: the "parameter list" (all parameters, PMC, etc) and the "special parameters" dot-matrix printout. Both have the machine's manufacturer number on them, albeit handwritten. The "special parameters" printout has some Japanese handwriting, which matches the form and ink of the manufacturer's number handwriting. Which is to say, I believe both lists are original to the machine.
These two documents are in conflict, but only where NEW handwriting is in place. A correction is made on the "special parameters", N9927 in the Japanese handwriting. This actually matches the "parameter list". In NEW handwriting, the following changes are made and conflict:
N9923: Original: 00000000 Changed: 00001000
N9933: Original: 00000000 Changed: 10000000
N9943: Original: 00000000 Changed: 00010000
I can't enter some of these, which may indicate an aftermarket addon that a FANUC tech entered personally (protected?); I would expect a new printout if these were authorized changes. Should I worry about these?

Next: I cannot enter the PMC Data Table data. I can write the Group Data Control section, but when I go into a section (for example 001/001), if I attempt to write "28" to "NO 000 ADDRESS D0000", I get "WRITE PROTECT" and the data does not change. I have "Parameter Write" enabled under (x2)Offset Setting. How can I get these data written in? (I'll try to attach a screen shot to the next post)

Next: (Possibly related to above configuration issues) I cannot get the spindle to turn. If I write a small program under MDI:
I get the following error:
This happens in every conceivable Z position. The ZRN has been set correctly for all axes.

These questions may be VERY elementary. Every machine I've interacted with from a maintenance perspective has been a LinuxCNC conversion. This looks good enough to leave as is :banana: I promise I've googled the heck out of all this, but I am stuck here.
Thanks for any help on these. It looks like a great machine and I'm really looking forward to making some chips!